EYE-OPENER: Trump Supporters Asked To Describe Their Values

I don’t even really watch any of the live TV or anything like that. Mostly it’s just like you YouTube snippets and things like that, and you know I don’t even bother even with the MSNBC I mean what lying you know, the CNN. I haven’t watched them in years, so it’s just such a fraud. I mean it’s. I don’t know why.

Anyone is on that bandwagon just keep going with pushing those false narratives, and here they keep uh, accusing the conservatives of pushing misinformation. It’s total BS, it’s always hilarious.

Listening to Republicans, particularly Maga Republicans, claiming that we on the left are the ones who spread misinformation. Where do you get your information research? Do it yourself? You know you can go there. You can go on the internet and find you know. Um non-partial people like uh, Glenn, Greenwald things like that. So Glenn’s Glenn’s a nonpartisan, oh yeah, I would say he’s nonpartisan nonpartisan, leaning towards being a liberal.

Where do you get your news personally uh from the internet? We watch Newsmax the established networks. I don’t believe them. I mean they tell an ounce of truth, but it’s but it’s a distortion. Fox News has always been a has been a sham for a pretty long time and again they were labeled as right-wing, but they always have somebody from the other side there. So how can you call them rightwing when it’s middle? It’S just the other sides are so left people don’t realize it they’re, like the FRA, the Lobster in the proverbial pot of water.

It keeps getting hotter and they don’t even realize it’s.

It’s left wing. Back of Republicans really only gravitate towards Outlets that say and tell them what they want to hear. That’S why they listed off Newsmax Fox News snippets on social media on Facebook, Instagram things like that, because heaven forbid, you actually go on to a website and read an article.

Do some research that actually tells you what’s going on out here. You realize that 2.6 million people lives are saved in the United States every year by everyday blow, Joe, like me, that might want to carry a weapon. How many SCH 2.6 million – I mean 2.6 million. I don’t know where that number would possibly come from because well I mean I’m just telling you fact check it.

If you don’t blame me two point, but it’s it’s well over 2 million it might not be 26, but it’s well over 2 million. You can fact check it so fact check our guns used 1.5 million times per year to save lives. The claim is the US justice department conservatively estimated that guns are used. 1.5 million times per year, and then it is it’s false. It’s what false that it’s not true! Well and all those lies, and misinformation lead to radicalized right-wingers like this guy there are indictments.

There are there’s audio tape of him with uh classified documents, sharing them with people who weren’t um didn’t have that security clearance. Does any of that bother you? No, I think they’ve been after him so long that all of this is just a Witch Hunt like he described it. I don’t think there’s anything Trump’s done wrong. I think that the desperate opposition is just after him. I mean they started out.

You know and they’ve been after him, eight different ways and they’re going to keep after him until they can get him in jail. I think they they went after Richard Nixon, they went after Bill Clinton, and now the courts in several different states are finding different things about Trump. Is there anything that could happen with him indictment wise? That would say all right. Maybe this disqualifies him for president, not for me, I’m with him to the finish all right.

Thank you so much. He could stand on the front steps of the White House and and commit murder, and I’m with him explain that to me. That’S amazing. I mean look uh he’s the only man we’ve ever had in my lifetime that stood for America as president now I was a George Herbert Walker Bush man and all that, but they don’t anybody compare of Donald Trump. He loves this country and that’s why I love him, but I’m I’m going to push back a little bit because and and you’re I’m guessing a couple of months older than me.

But I’m going to say that you know looking back at some presidents like Eisenhower, like LBJ, like Gerald Ford like um, you know Reagan Bush, who you mentioned what what about them didn’t stand for America in the same way. That Trump does you know uh? I think it’s got to do with the time times we’re living in we’re America’s been assaulted, open borders, uh, you know all the issues.

We all know the issues and nobody stood under the attack that Trump stood under and look what he’s done he’s hanging in there he’s for us. He loves this country and I’m going to support him to the end. I hope he wins. We need him last question for you cuz. Then you got to go in um.

What would he have done differently than President Biden that would have made you think that it that he would have been a better president? President Biden um, you know Biden to me if he had not been a career politician, he might have been better, but he’s lived in Washington all his life. I think we need term limits. I think we need to stop all these old people from running Washington DC is corrupt. Well, the old people I mean Trump, isn’t: there’s not a huge difference in age yeah. I I should rephrase that the old people that’s been in Washington all their life.

That’s what America’s tired of what is it that you like about Donald Trump well, he’s got two good boys that are Hunters, you know, and he stands for. American values is what I love about him. I just think he’s one of us. Instead, I know he’s very rich, but he’s he has our values. You know and has our back describe that for me. What are what are your values that that Donald Trump shares with you, then uh parent in control of their children? You know um being able to make choices for your family instead of having somebody tell you what to do.

You know, but I really want to see Donald Trump win. I think Donald Trump has the the heart of the country in mind, and I I think that he’s the man for the job right now and look. We all know what magga means when they say that he shares our values. They’Re talking about the racism, the bigotry, the homophobia, the keeping the others out of country – Republicans don’t hold this back.

They say the quiet part out loud all the time we’re losing our country, we’re losing our grip on our nation. We got to take our country back. Well, take it back from who the brown people coming over the southern border, the gays being gay, the trans people being themselves. You know all of those things, that’s why all these Outlets are always hyperfocused on the culture War instead of things like wages, our health care System, our education system, bringing domestic manufacturing back into the United States.

They don’t talk about any of those things and, if it wasn’t, for you, know them not focusing on policy, what else do they even have to protect Donald Trump? Absolutely nothing. The only reason that they’re protecting Donald Trump is because he’s their Last Stand.

He’s the wall between this country getting more Brown and more gay uh, it’s not a cult, it’s just that that trump, it seems like he’s one of us. He talks like us, he think and when he talks to the American people he’s talking like, like you know, he’s saying things that we that’s what we want to hear. I mean look the man the myth, the legend, the Donald he’s.

Truly in order, is he not? I love cranes, I love trucks of all types, even when I was a little boy at four years old. My mother would say you love trucks. I do. I always love trucks. I still do nothing changes.

Sometimes you know you might become president, but nothing changes. I still love trucks, especially when I look at the largest crane in the world. That’s very cool: do you think I’ll get to operated? I don’t know we’ll put the media on it and I’ll give them a little ride right and I love the unions and I love the workers, and you know when I built buildings in New York.

I built them exclusively with Union people. Don’T understand that I was exclusive and in the last really great election, our election of 2016. You know we did great with the union workers great, but we didn’t do good with the leadership. The leadership said. Well, we’ve always gone Democrat.

Let’s keep going that way that didn’t work out too well for some of them. I want to tell you, and still until this day, this bluecollar cosplay act, that Donald Trump puts on is extremely effective, despite the fact that you know he’s always bragging about his wealth and everybody knows that he’s always been extremely wealthy and that he didn’t earn it Himself, self, I don’t see it that way. I see it as just um, you know Americans who actually love their country and they found the leader in Donald Trump and man.

That actually is not part of the deep State he’s, not a politician. You know he. He has he’s not coming in to you know, like most politicians try to make a buck here and there he wanted to come in he’s he he was actually on record since the 80s. He even said, if I ever run for office one day: it’s because our country is actually in a crisis, and I want to do that best. I can to keep it away from that. What a significant change from 2016 to 2020, how well the country was doing the country was doing excellent and then in less in less than two well two years already look at where we at right now, and obviously the bizarre Paradox here is that Trump supporters pretend, Like he’s one of them, you know the poll came out recently that showed that you know a majority of trump supporters, trust him more than they trust their religious figures more than they trust their friends and family more than they trust.

The news sounds a lot like like a cult, does it not endless confirmation bias? Am I Wrong? Oh Trump man, Trump trump did such a a spectacular thing for the country. It’S like it’s we’re his country, man.

This is it so I’ll be honest. This is my first uh rally that I’m attending not just like. I obviously support him from the beginning. I just believe that, like look at the differences like when he’s throwing a rally, the amount of people that actually show up versus like the other candidates from the left, you know what I mean so like. I don’t believe it’s that narrative in per se, but like like it’s more so like hey, he’s established his fan base. Besides that, not only because of who he has as a person but for what he stands up for, and you know for the things that he fight for us as American citizens.

What what do you say to people who call this a bit like a cult of Donald Trump? No, it’s not at all! It’s about this thing, it’s about the flag, it’s about the unity taking the country back and, of course, the quiet part is always and continuously said out loud. We got to take our country back, take our country back from who. Well what? What are they always complaining about? You know too much Social Security, too much welfare.

Even though white people collect the majority of welfare in this country, you know who are the welfare Queens supposed to be? Who are they always complaining about that’s coming over the southern border, but not the northern border? You know it’s. It’s those brown impoverished Latinos.

Who else are they always whining about? You know when pride month comes along, and you know when, when Bud Light decides to do branding can campaigns with trans influencers things along those lines? Okay, obviously they want to take their country back from the blacks, the Browns, the Latinos, the gays, the trans people.

You know everybody who isn’t, I guess: heterosexual Protestant Christian male whatever. That means, even though this country has always, and only not been that it’s always been Multicultural. But the idea of the Lost Cause continues to reign supreme.


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