Build and SELL Your Own AI Tool – Make Money Online

Everyone on YouTube is showing you how to make money using AI tools, including yours, truly, but what? If we flip the script and join this AI game from a whole different angle? What if I told you that you can create your own AI tools and make money with them? I will show you in this video how anyone can tap into AI development without any coding skills, and I promise you won’t find this tutorial anywhere else.

So, watch it until the end. Look, I’m a content creator and I have zero coding skills. Yet I managed to build my own AI tool that will help my audience solve the real problem. I will be teaching you in this video from a super beginner friendly perspective. I’Ll show you how I built my AI tool: Click by click. Moreover, anyone watching this video will be able to copy my AI, then edit, and adjust it in any way to build something of your own. So I built my first ever AI tool in just a couple of hours.

It will was the first time I’ve seen this AI building environment. So I’m pretty sure my next AI will take me even less time. Here is my Niche Navigator AI for beginner bloggers. You can find the link to it in the description below when you open it. It will ask you to create a free account with it’s an AI building platform that allows you to create and sell access to your own AI tools, so just use an email address to create your account and you can test my AI tool right now.

The platform is totally free, but let me quickly tell you why I decided to build this specific AI tool. A lot of subscribers on my YouTube channel, followed me for my blogging tips, and in case you were thinking about starting a blog choosing. The right Niche is one of the biggest struggles that I see. Beginners have how to choose a Blog Niche. It seems so hard to make a decision.

I cannot possibly answer and help personally everyone who asked for my advice on the niche selection in the comments on my videos or via email. So I thought it would be a great idea to build an AI tool of my own, and that would help my subscribers with this pain point. So I built Niche navigator that can help you find the best one or maybe a couple of niches. That would be a perfect blend of your personal interests and profitability. This is how it looks on the user side.

I basically ask you questions that require very simple and quick answers and then all this information goes into AI brain and, as a result, you get one or two recommended niches. Depending on your answers, you get explanations why this Niche is perfect for you and some examples of successful blogs in this Niche and even their income reports, and you can build an AI like this without any coding skills.

So first I recommend you to browse on UI, dot, Ai and check out a lot of AI Tools in different categories that other people have already built. On this platform, you will see tools for creators, content and writing for parents for teaching and education for businesses, for Developers for health and wellness, and the list just goes on and on.

The collection of AI Tools in this library is seriously blowing up day by day. As more and more people find out what this platform can do, so, if you want to make the most out of your Genius AI idea before someone else, creates it make sure that you stick around for the rest of this video. So many of these tools are free for now, but you can build your tool and you can put a pricing tag on it and then every user will have to pay you a monthly fee. You could build a new side hustle on this AI building platform.

You can open AI tools that are already on the platform, interact with them and see how they work from the user’s perspective. And now are you ready to build your own AI tool? If you didn’t sign up yet click on this developers button – and you will start building your AI from here – if you’re already logged in you – can click on created, AIS and then create new AI. Here you can choose one of the templates and their names and descriptions are pretty self-explanatory. I chose this recommendation scaffold. I just guessed that I needed this one because again I wanted to build an AI that can recommend someone the best blogging Niche for that particular person.

There are other scaffolds like content, generator, scaffold, optimization, summarizer and so on. You could pick the one that works best for your AI idea, for example, if you wanted to build an AI that would summarize Long YouTube videos for you in a short text. I guess that you would try to use the summarizer scaffold by the way you might have noticed this mind, Studio logo that showed up over there.

This is the platform for building AIS. When I open this recommendation scaffold, I found that most of the tabs were empty, except this one called Preamble, what it was just some text and instructions for me, but no code, what a relief, because I’m not a developer by any stretch of an imagination. So I started by adding prompts to my AI tool: don’t look anywhere else yet, because it will just confuse you.

This part with prompts is very intuitive, basically you’re, just asking users some questions to collect some input that will be used by the AI to generate recommendations.

Just click here on this plus icon and choose new prompt, I could choose out of several types of prompts one would look like a simple Choice out of two options and I could change the text on the options to whatever I needed. There are two different layouts for the choice prompt. You can also check what other types of prompts you can create. Even for the same question, you can make a slider with three or five different options on the scale. You can choose an open type of prompt or raw data which gives users a lot more space for the answer, so I just added several prompts and then looked at the Preamble.

This part looks a little bit like code, but if you look closer, it’s simple text that anyone can read the text in Green is basically an instruction for me, the beginner AI Builder. I didn’t change here a lot. I only filled the Preamble with my variables in the context section. What is this context? It’S literally the context about the particular user, who is adding his preferences into the AI and then based on this context. Ai brain will make recommendations of the blogging niches. Each variable is the text that you see in red color and in this double curly brackets like trendiness.

This variable corresponds to my prompt on the left, where I asked if the user prefers to write blog posts on trending topics or prefers to create Evergreen content. So in Preamble, I simply explain to AI using English language that it should take into account all the variables and I assign each variable to a particular prompt that I created on the left.

You can read with me a couple of these instructions: the user prefers frequency, and this corresponds to my prompt about how often this person is ready to publish new content on the blog. Then the user is ready to learn about new Niche. The Prompt was for a simple Choice, ready or no. The user prefers to write about only familiar topics. If you ask me who told me what should be the names of these variables, the answer is, no one told me: I just made them up myself again using simple English words.

That’S why I keep telling you that it’s just crazy how easy it is to build your own AI, using mind studio. If you want to check the rest of my variables and instructions at your own pace, remember I told you that anyone watching this video will be able to just copy my whole AI tool, so you can copy it and check all the details when you open the Ai click on this three dots and then choose to remix my AI.

Currently, all of these AIS, in my studio that are free, can be remixed, so you have so many different options that you could choose from to use someone else’s Ai and the starting point to build something of your own, going back to setting up our variables after Adding them to the Preamble, I decided to add them to the variable section on the left.

When I started editing variables, this tab was empty, but as soon as I added one prompt the question of the prompt showed up here under the context now I can click here on this little plus icon and add a new variable see they start showing up here And I just need to use the same exact word that I used in the Preamble trendiness and then I can move this question down to assign it to the correct variable. I did the same for all of my prompt variables.

Then I checked what this recommendation scaffold shows for system output and it looks like simple instructions of what AI should ideally present.

As a result, I thought of what I would really like to get as a result, if I was trying to choose a blogging Niche – and I came up with all these ideas – a list of recommendations for the blogging Niche – a short summary of why this Niche is Perfect for this user profitability potential for this Niche, based on examples of income reports from the same Niche – and I asked also to add the links to this income reports, mentioning of the most suitable monetization methods for this Niche and a list of five successful blogs. In this Niche – and here in this last part, I didn’t change anything from the original scaffold setup, which was great to have it as a starting point, because I would never have guessed that I should structure the results in this manner.

The only other thing that I had to change was here in the prefixes: it’s just the welcome text that AI sends to every user when they start interaction. I just edited the text a bit, so it works for my Niche Navigator, blog Niche recommendation AI. I didn’t change anything in the model settings because the default settings usually are optimal, but you can check here that, in addition to gpt4, you could use other language models and change.

Some other settings which I didn’t want to touch for this example and then in the publishing I just changed the name and the description of the tool to my own. What was left to do was just to hit, publish and then test my AI, I clicked to open this published Ai and, to my surprise, the thing was actually live and working. I answered all the questions that I had and in this chat format, I received great results with Niche recommendations based on all the information that I submit earlier and the results included.

All that I asked for even the links to the most successful blogs in the recommended Niche and the income potential based on public income reports of those bloggers.

That was my unbelievably easy. First experience building an AI tool check it out for yourself I’ll, give you all the links in the description below I’m going to create more of my own AI tools in the near future and explore mind Studio platform form in more detail. So if you want to follow my journey in this new adventure like this video subscribe to my channel, let me know in the comments below which other AI tools you would like me to build in the future and check out my other videos covering different ways of Making money with AI tools, I will link them up there and I’ll see you in the next one.

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